
Start Your Own Business

We help you to start up a successful ebusiness

iMerge has experience since 1998, in facilitating entrepreneurs in starting up their own ebusiness. iMerge is experienced in supporting the full business cycle from idea till operation.

As ebusiness has the future, it is a very interesting area for startups. But, it is also a very difficult arena to distinguish yourself. What are typical start-up problems?
- The business idea does not provide unique advantages to a well-defined market
- Insufficient experience in the respective market
- High-costs for developing ebusiness services
- Lack of marketing power to create sufficient "hits"
- Too traditional view on organizing an ebusiness successfully
(Dutch visitors are advised to read the webbook Virtualiseer! 7 regels voor succes in ebusiness)

We advise the following steps in an e-business incubation process:
1. e-Business Idea
Develop your unique business idea, and discuss this with potential customers. Elaborate in brief the business idea, the ebusiness services, the Unique Selling Positions, and potential revenues
2. e-Business Case
Set up one or more business pilots with (potential) customers, and freeze the 4 marketing Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). The pilots give you all the information you need to finalize the e-business case.
3. e-Business Planning
Organize the service and expand the customer base until break-even point is reached. The first commercial experiences help you to realistically plan your ebusiness, and attract necessary funding.
4. e-Business Roll-Out
Consolidate and organize your e-Business, to prepare for sustainable and rapid growth, and to diversify to other (geographic) markets.


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Company news

28 Jun 17
Persbericht: Blockchain cloud provider Ledgable trekt iMerge als investeerder aan
Amsterdam, 28 juni 2017: iMerge investeert in Blockchain-As-A-Service (BaaS)-aanbieder Ledgable en neemt een aandeel van 12,5%.
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16 May 17
PERSBERICHT Smart Website-maker YILPS trekt Netvalue als investeerder aan
Amsterdam, 16 mei 2017: Netvalue neemt een belang van 20% in start-up YILPS. Deze start-up helpt ondernemers aan een professionele website tegen lage kosten. Dit doet zij door de combinatie tussen het zelf configureren en assistentie op afstand. Na een eerste investeringsronde eind 2016, trekt YILPS additioneel kapitaal aan voor verdere groei.
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13 Jun 16
PERSBERICHT Big Data integrator e Com Pro haalt groeigeld op bij iMerge
Amsterdam, 13 juni 2016: De Big Data-integrator eCcom Pro haalt 1 miljoen euro groeigeld op, waarbij ecommerce-investeerder iMerge 25% van de aandelen verwerft. eCom Pro helpt webshopklanten met het integreren van grote hoeveelheden logistieke en productdata uit meerdere bronnen in hun ecommerce- en logistieke applicaties. De investering is bedoeld om de groei van eCom Pro te versnellen, de cloud-oplossingen nog verder te professionaliseren en te internationaliseren.
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